Something unforgettable!!

The Erasmus+ programme is something unforgettable: a new way of learning and studying, beyond every difficulty. In my opinion, Erasmus and UIC English Oxford has given some significant benefits to language skills and professional and personal development. In fact education has a key role to play in the European Community , which has moved towards economic, monetary, and political union. It is important  to open up the horizon and look to other countries and at the world, and keep in mind that you are not alone.  The way  you live and the culture you come from may not be better compared to the others.

The project (Erasmus+ ToT Lets play a game) was held among the dates 11-20 September 2017, each partner took part with 3 participants, volunteers and professional youth workers and youth leaders (totally, with the staff, we were 30). All of them were motivated to engage with simulation games.

Also, Daniela was a great trainer – clear explanation of concepts, good sense of progression through the topics, and most of all making it relevant to real work situations, so I was able to walk away with some solutions to various challenges.

ToT Let’s play a game participant

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