Memories on Italy

“Let’s play the game” – that was the name of my third project of Erasmus +, but it was special, because it was my first TOT. That project was held in my favorite country – Italy (Sicily) during 11-20 September, 2017.
Reason why I love Erasmus + projects is that, I feel myself much more tolerant, I meet different people with different nationalities, cultures, religions – I feel that universe is better because of our diversity.
In this project people were from different countries like Italy, Georgia, Germany, Moldova, Cyprus, Romania, Bulgaria, Russia, Estonia.
While the Earth is full of wars, violence and crime, the only way which decreases horrible statistic, is communication and sharing.
The project was interesting because of different ways – first of all, because of people, also, because of different theme – While I was going to Italy, I was thinking about the project’s name and its impact on us. I understood, that everything, what happens can be changed before happening. What does it mean? If we play simulation games in our minds, if we try to predict what will happen, if we do something, maybe, as a result we can make world better.

During this project we got more information about different countries and realized, that we have to take care of each other. I knew it before, but time to time, I realize it more and more.

Again, thanks to EU which gives us opportunity to have such “luxury” as to get known with people from different parts of world. I strongly believe that those kinds of projects have great impact on our societies because, when we return to our “places”, we try to use our knowledge and experience there.

In the end, I want to say many thanks to my loveliest country – Italy. I love the culture, food and open hearted people of Italy. Wish to return back and see more and more,

Natalia Jalaghonia

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